New: Animation and Spa in the hotel
Offer valid for a period of stay of at least 7 days with arrival on Saturday or Sunday, accommodation in triple or quadruple and the presence of at least two adults for the entire period.
- "Midsummer Night's Dream": from 26 July to 03 August.
Adults € 76.00 instead of € 80.00 as from the list.
Children up to 6 years (not yet completed) Free!! - If children under 6 years of age are two, the second pays 50%
All Inclusive for 3 people € 1064.00 for 7 days accommodation in Superior
All Inclusive for 3 people € 1134.00 for 7 days accommodation in Executive
All Inclusive for 4 people for 7 days € 1,330.00 Superior accommodation
All Inclusive for 4 people for 7 days € 1,400.00 Executive accommodation
A free entrance for each adult in the beautiful Wellness Center Hotel.
Send a non-binding request for information indicating the number children and their ages: